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Meet Dr. Peter A. Blume
Dr. Blume has spent decades helping patients suffering from foot and ankle problems. He is at the forefront of diabetic limb preservation and reconstruction and has been recognized multiple times by CONNECTICUT Magazine as one of “Connecticut’s Top Doctors.” Dr. Blume serves as Medical Director for the Heart and Vascular Center and Ambulatory Surgery for Yale New Haven Health.
He is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, Anesthesia and Cardiology at Yale School of Medicine. Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Dr. Blume holds several other board certifications in podiatric medicine. He has published original research in more than 120 publications and has authored many textbooks on podiatric surgery.

Know More About Dr. Peter Blume
Conditions & Treatments
Ankle Arthroscopy, Arch Pain, Biomechanics, Bunions, Calluses, Cerebral Palsy, Club Foot, Corns, Custom Molded Shoes for Diabetes, Custom Orthotics, Diabetic Foot Care, Disability Medicine, Elderly Care, Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, Foot & Ankle Injuries, Foot & Ankle Surgery, Foot disorders, Foot Fractures, Foot Injury, Foot Reconstructive Surgery, Fractures, Fungus Infection, Grafts & Flaps, Hammertoes, Heel Pain, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Ilizarov Techniques, Infections, Ingrown Toenails, Lower Extremity Wounds, Nail Disease, Nerve Injuries, Neuropathy, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedics, Plantar Fasciitis, Sports Medicine Rehabilitation, Ulcer Disease, Walking Disorders, Warts
English; Spanish
Education & Training
Education - Syracuse University; New York College of Podiatric Medicine
Internship - VA Hospital, West Haven, CT
Residency - VA Hospital, West Haven, CT
Fellowship - VA Hospital, West Haven, CT
Know more about Dr. Peter Blume, DPM, FACFAS
Foot and Ankle Surgery
Diabetic Foot Reconstruction
Personal Information
Place of Birth: New Haven, Connecticut
Marital Status: Married with Three Children
New York College Of Podiatric Medicine, New York, New York, 1988 - 1992
HONORS: Pi Delta National Podiatric Honor Society Rotational Excellence In Orthopedics (1991)
POSITIONS: Vice President, American College Of Foot Surgeons Student Chapter (1990-1991)
ACTIVITIES: Member, Sports Medicine Association (1988-1992) Member, American Podiatric Medical Students Association
Bachelor of Science, Nutritional Science, May 1988
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York September 1984 -1988
Member, Delta Upsilon Fraternity (1984-1988)
Member, Dean’s Advisory Committee For Human Development (1987-1988)
Research Assistant for the University of South Carolina Study of the Role of Nutrition in Division IA Football Players(1988)
Outstanding College Students of America (1987)
Academic Advisor for Arts And Science (1986-1987)
VA Medical Center, Yale School of Medicine Clinical Campus
West Haven, Connecticut And Affiliated Hospitals
Chief Resident September 1993
VA Medical Center, Yale School of Medicine Clinical Campus
West Haven, Connecticut And Affiliated Hospitals.
Christopher Attinger, M.D. Fellowship Director
2018- January– Medical Director For Ambulatory Services, Yale New Haven Health Systems
2018- January– Codirector, HVC/CLI/Limb Preservation/Yale New Haven Health Systems
2008- January: Current--Shoreline Surgical Center/Yale New Haven Hospital
1997 - August; Current – Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut
1994 - July; Current -- MILFORD HOSPITAL, Milford, Connecticut
Yale School of Medicine, Clinical Campus, West Haven, Connecticut
1995 -November - 2000, July YALE NEW HAVEN AMBULATORY/Temple Surgical Center
1995 -November --1995 December; Current, Courtesy GRIFFIN HOSPITAL, Derby, CT
1994 -July -- Current -- Hospital of St. Raphael, New Haven, Connecticut
1994 -July --1997 July -- Courtesy BRIDGEPORT HOSPITAL, Bridgeport, Connecticut
American Board of Podiatric Surgery
Board Certified In Foot Surgery - August 1996, Re-Certified -- August 2006
American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine
Board Certified - November 1996
Recertified-August 2005
American Board of Podiatric Surgery
Board Certified in Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery-September 2007
State of Connecticut: Department of Public Health: Advanced Ankle Surgery Permit, Standard Ankle Surgery Permit
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics And Rehabilitation, Section of Podiatric Surgery, New Haven ,CT; Assistant Clinical Professor of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation 1999-Present
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, New Haven ,CT; Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery; 2004-Present
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, New Haven ,CT; Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery; 2016-Present
Quinnipiac University, Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine ,Department of Medical Sciences, Assistant Clinical Professor. 2015-Present Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, Clinical Professor(Adjunct), Department of Podiatric Surgery: 2011–Present
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics And Rehabilitation, Section of Podiatric Surgery, New Haven ,CT; Clinical Instructor of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 1998 -- 1999
Director of Limb Preservation, Yale New Haven Hospital & Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and rehabilitation, Section of Podiatric Surgery, New Haven ,CT 2000-2005 University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Podiatric Medicine And Surgery; DesMoines, Iowa: Clinical Associate Professor 1994 - 2001
California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, California Adjunct Assistant Professor July 1, 1996 - 2001,Department of Podiatric Medicine
Attending Surgeon, Podiatric surgical residency programs VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven Campus Yale University School of Medicine, Clinical Campus
National Lecturer -Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Of The Foot and Ankle, Limb Preservation and Diabetic Limb Salvage.
Invited Speaker, Northwest Podiatric Foundation for Education and Research, USA;
Blume Podiatry Group: Vice President: 1995 -- 2000
Affiliated Foot And Ankle Surgeons: Director and President: 1997 – Present
President of the Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association: March 2016-June 2018
1984 - Current Vermont Academy Alumni Association
1988 - Current Syracuse University Alumni Association
1992 - Current American Podiatric Medical Association
1992 - Current Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association
1992 - Current New Haven Podiatric Medical Association
1993 - Current American Diabetes Association
1996 - Current Fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
1996 - Current Fellow, American College of Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine
1994 - Current American Association of Hospital Podiatrists
1996 - Current Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery
2001 - Current Fellow, International College of Angiology
2003 - American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons; Annual Scientific Conference Committee
2003 - Current American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons; Annual Meeting Exhibits Subcommittee
2003 - Current Yale Surgical Society, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery
2003 -- Current Fellow, American Professional Wound Care Association
2004 -- American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 2000 for Annual Scientific Conference Poster Chair
2004 -- American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Annual Scientific Conference Committee
2005 -- American College of foot and ankle surgeons, Annual Scientific Conference Committee
2005 -- American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, CME Task Force.
2005 -- Contributing Editor for the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
2005 -- Editorial Advisory Board, Podiatry Today Journal
2006 -- Section Editor for the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Diabetes Section
2006 -- Editorial Board: Vascular Disease Management
2006 -- Editorial Board: Arthritis Practitioner
2007 -- Editorial Advisory Board: Wounds
2007 -- Editorial Board for Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Elsiever: 1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1800, Philadelphia, PA 19103
2008 -- American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Chair of the Fellowship Task Force Committee
2009 -- American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Chair of the Fellowship Task Force Committee
2010 -- Editorial Board For Diabetic Foot and Ankle Surgery: Co-Action Publishing, Open Access Publisher, Scandinavia
2018 - Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeons
First Place Award 1997 Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, “Diagnosis of Pedal Osteomyelitis with Tc-99-M-HMPAO Labeled Leukocytes”
First Place Award 1998 Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, ”Entrapment Neuropathy: The Etiology of Intractable Chronic Heel Pain Syndrome”
New Haven Advocate, Best of New Haven, Vol. 2, May 8th -- 14,2003, Best Podiatric Surgeon of New Haven County.
Connecticut Magazine April 2004/Vol. 67, NO. 4; Top Doctors, Front Cover And Profile As the Director of Limb Preservation at Yale School of Medicine And Top Doctor for Podiatric Surgery.
The John D. Walker, D.P.M. Award, 2004, Podiatrist of the Year For Outstanding Service and Leadership to the Profession of Podiatry, Presented by the Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association
New Haven Register, No. 316, Thursday, November 11, 2004, B,9, Podiatrist Continues Tradition of Excellence, Recognition As One of the Best Podiatric Surgeons in the State of Connecticut.
Republican -- American, Saturday, February 26, 2005,: Doctors Work to Correct Boys Deformity, An Ecuadorian Boy With a Congenital Macrodactyly To Undergo Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery For a Congenital Foot Deformity.
The V.I.P. D.P.M.’s: America’s 175 Most Influential Podiatrists: Podiatry Management: Volume 25, Number 7, September 2006: Chosen As One of the Most Influential Podiatric Specialist.
Outstanding Poster Abstract: Second-place: 2007 APMA Abstract Competition ,2007 Annual Scientific Meeting–The National at Region III in Philadelphia. : Arthur J. Tallis, DPM , Wyatt Payne M.D., Peter Blume DPM., —Interim Results of A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Trial of Time Course of Wound Healing in Subjects with Diabetic Foot Ulcers when Treated with Vacuum Assisted Closure versus Moist Wound Therapy (MWT)
Connecticut Magazine April 2009 /Vol. 67, NO. 4; Top Doctors of Connecticut, Section of Podiatric Surgery , Yale School of Medicine
Connecticut Magazine April 2010 /Vol. 67, NO. 4; Top Doctors of Connecticut, Section of Podiatric Surgery , Yale School of Medicine
Ilizarov Award of Excellence At the 6th Annual Internal and External Fixation Symposium, (IEFS) December 10, 2010, Sponsored by the University Of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas.
Connecticut Magazine April 2011 /Vol. 74, NO. 4; Top Doctors of Connecticut, Section of Podiatric Surgery , Yale School of Medicine
Greater New Haven Healthcare Hereos: Advancement of Healthcare: Individual Award: Giving Patients A Leg To Stand On: New Haven Magazine: November 2011: Volume 4, #7:30-31: Second Wind Media LTD, New Haven, Connecticut
America's Most Influential Podiatrists: Podiatry Management: January 2012: Volume 31, #1: Kane Communications: Pennsylvania: Page 112
Connecticut Magazine April 2012,2013,2014 /Vol. 74, NO. 4; Top Doctors of Connecticut, Section of Podiatric Surgery , Yale School of Medicine
1.) Schroeder SM., Blume P.A., Foot Infections. EMedicine Journal [serial online].2001 Orthopedic Surgery Online Textbook
2.) Sumpio,B.E. ,Blume,P.A., Contemporary Management of Foot Ulcers, Trends in Vascular Surgery, Textbook by William H. Pierce, John S. Matsumura and James S.T.Yao; Chapter 28, 277 -- 290,Precept Press, Chicago Illinois, 12/02
3.) Sumpio BE, Paszkowiak JJ, Blume PA, Vascular Ulcers, In Vascular Medicine, Creager J, Olin J (eds), Mosby, St. Louis
4.) Sumpio,B.E., Aruny,J.,Blume,P.A., A Multidisciplinary Approach for Saving Limbs: Preliminary Outcomes, Controversies and Updates in Vascular and Cardiac Surgery, Textbook by Jean-Pierre Becquemin, Yves S. Alimi, Jacques Watelet, Daniel Loisance; Chapter 7, 37- 43, Edizioni Minerva Medica, 1/04
5.) Schroeder SM.,Sella, E., O’Hara,R., Blume P.A., Triple Arthrodesis. EMedicine Journal, Orthopedic Surgery, Foot and Ankle, [serial online]. 6/28/04. Vol 5, No 5, Orthopedic Surgery Online Textbook
6.) Sumpio, B.E., Schroeder, S.M., Blume, P.A., Etiology and Management of Foot Ulcerations, in the textbook, The Wound Management Manual by Dr. Bok Y. Lee. McGraw-Hill, 2005
7.) Blume, P.A., Key, J.J., Skin Grafts, chapter in the textbook, Lower Extremity Soft Tissue and Cutaneous Plastic Surgery by Dr. Gary L. Dockery, Dr. Mary E. Crawford. 157 -- 171 Saunders/Elsevier: 2006
8.) Attinger,C., Bulan, E.J., Blume,P.A., Pharmacological And Mechanical Management of Wounds, chapter in the textbook, Plastic Surgery, Volume 1, General Principles, by Stephen J. Mathes, second edition, 863 -- 899, Saunders/Elsevier: 2006
9.) Sumpio, B.E., Paszkowiak, J.,Aruny, J., Blume, P.A., Lower Extremity Ulceration: Chapter 62; page 880 – 893, Vascular Medicine, A Companion To Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Saunders, Elsevier Science, May 2006
10.) Anthony L. Sarage D.P.M., Waiki Yui M.D., Peter A. Blume D.P.M., John Aruny M.D., Bauer Sumpio M.D.: Textbook Chapter: “Aggressive revascularization salvage options for patients referred for leg amputation by using atherectomy and cryoaangioplasty technology” Reinterventions in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Paschalidis Medical Publications, Athens, Greece, 2008, by Geroulakos and Reddy, Page 75 – 85
11.) Blume, P.A., Key, J.J., Textbook Chapter, Local Random Flaps for Soft Tissue Coverage of the Diabetic Foot; Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle by Thomas Zgonis, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, 2009: Chapter 12: Page 140- 166
12.) Chen, Rick, Blume, Peter A., Textbook Chapter: Chapter 15: Page 407-421: Regional Anesthetic Techniques for Foot Surgery, Essentials of Regional Anesthesia by Editors Alan David K., Richard D. Urman, Nalini Vadivelu: January 2012: Springer Science And Business Media, LLC, 2012, New York, New York
13.) Blume, P.A., Skin Grafts, chapter in the textbook, Lower Extremity Soft Tissue and Cutaneous Plastic Surgery by Dr. Gary L. Dockery, Dr. Mary E. Crawford. 157 -- 171 Saunders/Elsevier: 2012, Second Edition
14.) Blume, P.A., Jain, A.K. , Sumpio, B.; Chapter in Diabetic Foot Ulceration and Management: Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular Disease: Diagnosis and Management: Page 63–91, chapter 6, Humana Press, Springer, New York
15.) Sumpio BE, Blume P Lower Extremity Ulceration In: Creager M, Beckman JA and Loscalzo J, eds. Vascular Medicine, 2e. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.; 2013. Chapter 60 pp 727-738.
16.) Gambardella, G.V. Odukwe, C.N., Schmidt, B. M., Blume, P.A., Chapter in Textbook Substance Abuse: Inpatient and Outpatient Management for Every Clinician: K aye, Vadivelu, Urman: Podiatric Problems and Management in Patients with Substance Abuse: Chapter 38: Page 515–536, Springer:: New York: 2015
17.) 17.) Chen, Rick, Blume, Peter A., Textbook Chapter: Chapter 19: Page 375-385: Regional Anesthetic Techniques for Foot Surgery, Second Edition ,Essentials of Regional Anesthesia by Editors Alan David K., Richard D. Urman, Nalini Vadivelu: April 2018 Springer Science And Business Media, LLC, 2012, New York, New York
18.) Blume, P.A., Bruno, A.A. Mora, A.R., Textbook Chapter, Local Random Flaps for Soft Tissue Coverage of the Diabetic Foot; Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle: Second Edition by Thomas Zgonis, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, 2018: Chapter 12: Page 147- 172
1) Blume, P.A., Dey, H.M., Daley, L.J., Arrighi, J.A., Soufer, R. Gorecki, G.A. Diagnosis of Pedal Osteomyelitis With Tc-99-M HMPAO Labeled Leukocytes Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 36(2):120-126, 1997
2) Blume, P.A., Niemi, W.J., Courtright, D.J., Gorecki, G.A. Fibrosarcoma of The Foot: A Case Presentation And Review of The Literature Journal of Foot And Ankle Surgery 36(1): 1-4, 1997
3) Feldman, A.H., Niemi, W.J., Blume, P.A., Chaney, D.M. Clear Cell Hidradenoma of The Fourth Digit: A review of The Literature With Case Presentation Journal of Foot And Ankle Surgery 36(1): 21-24, 1997
4) Blume,P.A.,Novicki,D.C.,Pressman, M. Skin Grafts and Flaps for Diabetic Foot Wounds. Biomechanics Vol. 4, Number 6,59-63,1997
5) Abstract Presentation, ACFAS 56th Annual Conference, Feb. 11-15,1998:Single Stage Approach to the non-Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcer Utilizing Random Local Flap and Osseous Reconstruction.
6) Attinger,C,A.,Cooper,P., Blume, P.A., Vascular Anatomy Of The Foot And Ankle .Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 4,No 4 (November),1997:pp183-198
7) Hendrix,C.L.,Jolly,P.J.,Garbolosa,J.C.,Blume,P.A.,Dosremedios,E,.Entrapment Neuropathy:The Etiology of Intractable Chronic Heel Pain Syndrome, The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery,Vol 37 No.4,July/August 1998
8) Poster Presentation, ACFAS 56th Annual Conference, Feb. 11-15,1998:Free Rectus Abdominus Reconstruction for Congenital Macrodactyly
9) Attinger,C.E.,Novicki,D.C.,LaPorta, G.A.,Blume,P.A., Plastic Surgical Reconstructive Techniques for Foot and Ankle Surgeons,4 Video set,7/98,The William Goldfarb Foundation, Camp Hill PA.
10) Knox,R.C..,Dutch,W.,Blume,P.A.,Sumpio,B.E.., Diabetic Foot Disease, International Journal of Angiology,9:1-6(2000)
11.) Blume, Peter A. ,Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Part I, Guest Editor,Vol 17, No. 2, April 2000, W.B. Saunders Company
12), Paragus,L., Attinger C., Blume,P.A., Local Flaps, Clinics In Podiatric Medicine And Surgery, Part I, Vol 17, No. 2, April 2000 , W.B. Saunders Company
13) Attinger C., Blume P.A.,Surgical Debridement ,Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery,Part II,Vol 17, No. 4, October 2000, W.B. Saunders Company
14) Donato,M., Novicki,D.C.,Blume P.A., Skin Grafting Techniques For Foot And Ankle Surgeons, Clinics In Podiatric Medicine And Surgery, Part II, Vol 17, No.4 October 2000
15) Blume, Peter A., Clinics In Podiatric Medicine And Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Guest Editor, Part II, Vol 17, No. 4, October 2000, W.B. Saunders Company
16) Hendrix,C.L.,Thomson, J.G., Blume,P.A., Pedal Macrodactyly:: Coverage of a Large Defect with a Rectus Abdominus Free Flap, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery,Vol 39, No.3, May/June 2000
17) Blume, P.A., Foot and Ankle Quarterly, Diabetes Issue, Article Analysis, Plantar Forefooot Ulceration with Equinus Deformity of the Ankle in Diabetic Patients : The Effect of Tendoachilles Lenghtening and Total Contact Casting, Vol. 13, No. 3, Sept 2000
18) Sumpio ,B.E.,Foot Ulcers,The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 343, No.11, Sept 14,2000, 787-793, Noted and Referenced for many helpful discussions and indebtedness for the manuscript
19) Mureebe,L.,Moy,M.,Blume,P.A.,Gahtan,V., Calciphylaxis: A Poor Prognostic Indicator for Limb Salvage, New England Society for Vascular Surgery 27th Annual Meeting Oct. 4-6 2000, Boston Mass, Abstract Presentation
20) Sumpio,B.E.,Blume, P.A.,Treatment of Foot Ulcers: The New England Journal of Medicine,Vol.344,No.2,Jan 11, 2001,Correspondence
21) Mureebe, L.,Moy,M.,Balfour,E., Blume.P.A.,Gahtan,V.: Calciphylaxis: A poor prognostic indicator for limb salvage, Journal of Vascular Surgery, Vol. 33, No. 6, June 2001,1275-1279
22) Paragas L., Blume,P.A.:Everything You Should Know About Nail Surgery, Podiatry Today, October 2001, 40-47
23) Paragas L., Blume,P.A.; Everything You Should Know About Nail Surgery ,Skin And Aging, Vol 9, No. 9, Sept 2001
24) Schroeder SM., Blume P.A., Foot Infections. EMedicine Journal [serial online].2001 Orthopedic Surgery Online Textbook
25) Frangos,S.G.,Kilaru,S. ,Blume.P.A., Shin,J.,Sumpio, B.E.; 11;1-7(2002) N0. 810;Classification of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Improving Communication, International Journal of Angiology
26) Blume,P.A.,Paragas,L.K.,Sumpio,B.E., Attinger C.E.; Single-Stage Surgical Treatment of Noninfected Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol.109, No.2,Feb 2002, 601-609 27) Attinger,C.E.,Bulan, B. Blume, P.A., Debridement: The Key Initial First Step in Wound Healing, Foot and Ankle Clinics, Soft Tissue Coverage, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2001, 627 - 660.
28) Attinger,C.E.,Cooper,P.S.,Blume,P.A.,Bulan, B. The Safest Surgical Incisions And Amputations Applying The Angiosome Principles and Using The Doppler to Assess the Arterial - Arterial Connections of the Foot and Ankle. Foot and Ankle Clinics, Soft Tissue Coverage, Volume No. 6, No. 4, December 2001, 745 -- 800.
29) Lipsky, B.A., Armstrong, D., Blume,.P.A.,Kivitz,A.J.,Norden, C. Treating Diabetic Foot Infections with Linezolid versus Aminopenicillins: A Randomized International Multicenter Trial, Poster Presentation, Infectious Disease Society of America, 10/02
30) Sumpio,B.E., Blume, P.A., Contemporary Management of Foot Ulcers, Trends in Vascular Surgery, Textbook by William H. Pierce, John S. Matsumura and James S.T.Yao; Chapter 28, 277 -- 290,Precept Press, Chicago Illinois, 12/02
31) Sumpio,B.E., Schroeder,S.M., Blume, P.A.,Poster Presentation, Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, 4/29/03,Las Vegas Nevada: Double Blind Pilot Study to Evaluate Prewounding Prior to Split Thickness Skin Grafting using Becaplermin Gel, Versus Placebo Gel, and Standard Wound Care with Saline Wet to Dry Dressings.
32) Blume,P.A,. A Closer Look at Plastic Surgery Techniques, ; Q/A; Podiatry Today, March 2003, 24 -- 28, HMP Communications
33) Zgonis,T. Jolly, G.P., Blume,P.A.,; Current Concepts In External Fixation, Podiatry Today,; April 2003, 25 -- 35, HMP Communications
34) Blume, P. A., Becaplermin; Can It Facilitate Faster Results in Split Thickness Skin Grafts ?; Podiatry Today; May 2003, 10, HMP Communications.
35) Zgonis,T., Jolly G.P.,Blume,P.A., A Guide to Closure Techniques for Open Wounds, Podiatry Today, July 2003, 40 -- 48, HMP Communications
36) Vadivelu, N.,Gesquiere,M., Blume,P.A.,Rinder,C.,Shelley,K.H.; Analysis of Outcome for Limb Salvage Procedures with Sedation and Foot Block in 83 ASA III and ASA IV Patients In an Ambulatory Setting. 57th Postgraduate Assembly and Anesthesiology, New York State Society Anesthesiologists, Poster Presentation
37) Blume,P.A.,Paragas,L.K.,Sumpio,B.E.,Attinger C.E.; Single-Stage Surgical Treatment of Noninfected Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Plast Reconstr Surg,109, 601-609,Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2003, by Stephen J. Kominsky, chapter 15, Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction by Gary P. Jolly, 237 -- 238
38) Sumpio BE, Paszkowiak JJ, Blume PA, Vascular Ulcers, In Vascular Medicine, Creager J, Olin J (eds), Mosby, St. Louis
39) Lee L,Blume PA, Sumpio B. Charcot Joint Disease in Diabetes Mellitus. Ann Vasc Surg. Oct 2. 2003, Vol 17, No. 5, 571-580
40) Zgonis T.,Jolly,P.J,Blume,P.A.; Diabetic Foot Infections and Antibiotic Therapy; Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery,Vol 20, No. 4, October 2003, 655-669;W.B. Saunders Company
50) Sumpio B.E.,Lee,T., Blume,P.A.; Vascular Evaluation and Arterial Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot; Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery,Vol 20, No. 4, October 2003, 689-708;W.B. Saunders Company
51) Jolly,P.J, Zgonis,T.,Blume,P.A.; Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot; Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery,Vol 20, No. 4, October 2003, 757-781;W.B. Saunders Company
52) Zgonis,T.Jolly,PJ.,Sella E., Garbolosa,J.C., Grosser, D., Blume,P.A., Poster Presentation, Treatment of Charcot Neuroarthropathy with External Fixation; American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, San Diego California, 2/04
53) Schroeder,S.M.,Sumpio,B.E., Blume,P.A.,Poster Presentation, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 2/04, San Diego California ;Double Blind Pilot Study to Evaluate Prewounding Prior to Split Thickness Skin Grafting using Becaplermin Gel, Versus Placebo Gel, and Standard Wound Care with Saline Wet to Dry Dressings.
54) Blume,P.A., Podiatry Today, American Diabetes Association Warns of Undetected Peripheral Arterial Disease, February 2004, 6-7, HMP Communications
55) Sumpio,B.E., Aruny,J.,Blume,P.A., A Multidisciplinary Approach for Saving Limbs: Preliminary Outcomes, Controversies and Updates in Vascular and Cardiac Surgery, Textbook by Jean-Pierre Becquemin, Yves S. Alimi, Jacques Watelet, Daniel Loisance; Chapter 7, 37- 43, Edizioni Minerva Medica, 1/04
56) Zgonis,T.,Jolly G.P., Blume,P.A.; External Fixation Use in Arthrodesis of the Foot and Ankle, Arthrodesis Techniques, Part I Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery of North America,Vol 22, No. 1, January 2004, 1-15;W.B. Saunders Company
57) Blume,P.A., Key,J.J.,Sumpio, B.E.; How to Detect Peripheral Arterial Disease, April 2004, Vol 17, No 4, April 2004 Podiatry Today, HMP Communications
58) Blume, P. A., Lengthening the Achilles Tendon for the Treatment of Diabetic Plantar Forefoot Ulceration, Commentary; Core Principles of Wound Healing in the Macro- and Microenvirinment; Foot and Ankle Quarterly, Summer 2004, Vol 16, No. 2, 75-77
59) Vadivelu, N.,Gesquiere,M., Blume,P.A.,Rinder,C.,Shelley,K.H.; Podiatric Limb Salvage Can Be Performed on an Outpatient Basis, Anesthesiology News, May 2004, Vol 30, No. 5
60) Lipsky,B.A., et al and the Linezolid Diabetic Foot Infection Study Group Principal Investigators, P. Blume, Yale University School Medicine, New Haven Connecticut, Treating Foot Infections in Diabetic Patients: A Randomized, Multicenter, Open Label Trial of Linezolid Versus Ampicillin – Sulbactam/Amoxicillin -- Clavulanate. Clinical Infectious Diseases January 2004; 38:000-000
61) Schroeder SM.,Sella,E., O’Hara,R., Blume P.A., Triple Arthrodesis. EMedicine Journal, Orthopedic Surgery, Foot and Ankle, [serial online]. 6/28/04. Vol 5, No 5, Orthopedic Surgery Online Textbook
62) Blume,P.A., News and Trends, New Coalition Seeks to Raise Awareness of Peripheral Arterial Disease, October 2004, Vol 17, No 10, Page 10,Podiatry Today, HMP Communications
63) Sumpio,B.A.,Aruny,J., Blume,P.A., The Multidisciplinary Approach Towards Limb Salvage; Acta Chirurgica Belgica, Dec 04, Vol 104, No.6,1-7
64) Sumpio,B.E., Schroeder,S.M.,Blume,P.A., Etiology and Management of Foot Ulcerations, in the textbook, The Wound Management Manual by Dr. Bok Y. Lee. McGraw-Hill, 2005
65) Neville, S., Blume, P., Key,J., Is Rocker Bottom Reconstruction a Viable Option for Limb Preservation, Diabetes Watch; December 2004, Vol 17, No 12, Page 20-24 ,Podiatry Today, HMP Communications
66) Aruny,J.E., Blume,P.A., Sumpio, B., Buren, B.,; Combined Approach to Limb Salvage with Cryoplasty Therapy and Transmetatarsal Amputation in a Patient with Chronic Critical Limb Ischemia and Unsuitable for Surgical Bypass, Vascular Disease Management, Vol 1, Issue 2, December 2004, pages: 27 -- 28, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
67) Blume,P.A.,Sumpio, B.,: Abstract Presentation, Symposium on Diabetes and Vascular Surgery -- Bringing Basic Science into Clinical Practice, Stockholm , Sweden, 2/10 -- 2/12, 2005, Single Staged Approach to the Non-Infected Diabetic Foot Utilizing Random Local Flap and Osseous Reconstruction Is Defensable and Less Stressful Than Free Flap Techniques, Session Name: Clinical Management of Diabetic Vascular Disease
68) Blume, Peter, DPM; Harkless, Lawrence B., DPM; Pollak, Richard A., DPM; Fellman, Stephanie, BS, RN; Tavakkol, Amir, PhD, Dip. Bact. Tolerability of Terbinafine in Patients on Concomitant Medications: A Subgroup Analysis of the IRON-CLAD® Trial, American Podiatric Medical Association, 8/05
69) Kengo Nishimura , Peter Blume , Shigetsugu Ohgi , and Bauer E. Sumpio: Repetitive Stretch of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Activates P38 and ERK ½ but not AKT and results in apoptosis, International College of Angiology, 7/05
70) Blume, P. A., Moore, J.C., Novicki, D. C., Digital Mucoid Cyst Excision By Using the Bilobed Flap Technique And Arthroplastic Resection; Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 44(1): 44 -- 48, 2005
71) Aruny,J.E., Blume,P.A., Sumpio, B., Buren, B.,; Exploring Limb Salvage Options In Patients with Chronic Limb Ischemia: Podiatry Today Vol 18, No. 3, March 2005, pages: 20 -- 26, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
72) Blume,P.A., Sumpio, B.; Abstract Presentation ; Royal College of Surgeons Quincentenary Congress EICC; Edinburgh, Scotland; Single Stage Approach the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Wounds. Session Title:FP6 -- Vascular; 6/29/05
73) Hanft,J.R.,Blume,P.A.,Dardik,P.,Gordon,I.,Landsman,A.I., Lipkin,S., Marston,W.A., Morgan,J., Orgill,D.,Tallis,A.; Abstract Presentation; Symposium on Advanced Wound Care And the 15th Annual Medical Research Forum on Wound Repair; A Pilot Clinical Study for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers With an Injectable Bioactive Co-Polymer. April 21 -- 20 4, 2005, San Diego, California
74) Blume, Peter, DPM; Harkless, Lawrence B., DPM; Pollak, Richard A., DPM; Fellman, Stephanie, BS, RN; Tavakkol, Amir, PhD, Abstract Presentation: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2005 Conference : Low Risk of Drug Interactions in Patients Taking Terbinafine In Combination with a Variety of Concomitant Medications: A Subgroup Analysis of the Iron -- Clad Trial (Improving Results and Onychomycosis: Concomitant Lamisil And Debridement)
75) Blume,P.A.,Cornell,K.L., Schoen,R., What You Should Know about New Anti-Rheumatic Medications: Podiatry Today Vol 18, No. 4, April 2005, pages: 52 -- 58, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
76) Blume,P.A., Cornell, K. L., Sumpio, B., Aruny,J,; Is Ischemia a Direct Risk Factor for Ulceration Podiatry Today Vol 18, No. 7, July 2005, pages: 68 -- 74, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
77) Kengo Nishimura , Peter Blume , Shigetsugu Ohgi , and Bauer E. Sumpio: Repetitive Stretch of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Activates P38 and ERK ½ but not AKT and results in apoptosis, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Plastic Surgery I Vol. 201,No.3s, September 2005
78) Blume,P.A.,Sumpio, B., Aruny,J,; Sarage,A., Percutaneous Transluminal Cryoplasty Therapy, Podiatry Management – November/December 2005 : Volume 24, No 9, 2005, 208 -- 210
78) Blume,P.A.,Key,J.J., Skin Grafts, chapter in the textbook, Lower Extremity Soft Tissue and Cutaneous Plastic Surgery by Dr. Gary L. Dockery, Dr. Mary E. Crawford. 157 -- 171 Saunders/Elsevier: 2006
79) Attinger,C., Bulan,E.J., Blume,P.A., Pharmacological And Mechanical Management of Wounds, chapter in the textbook, Plastic Surgery, Volume 1, General Principles, by Stephen J. Mathes, second edition, 863 -- 899, Saunders/Elsevier: 2006
80) Kengo Nishimura , Peter Blume , Shigetsugu Ohgi , and Bauer E. Sumpio: The Effect of Different Regimen Stretch on Human Dermal Fibroblasts , Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 130, Number 2, 331 -- 332, February 2006, Presented at the Association for Academic Surgery and Society of University Surgeons, First Annual Academic Surgical Congress, February 7, 2006
81) Blume Peter, Wilkinson, Jared,T., Key, Jonathan J. Podiatry Today Vol 19, No. 3, March 2006, pages: 91 -- 98, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
81) Sumpio, B.E., Paszkowiak, J.,Aruny, J., Blume, P.A., Lower Extremity Ulceration: Chapter 62; page 880 – 893, Vascular Medicine, A Companion To Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Saunders, Elsevier Science, May 2006
82) Attinger,C.E.,Cooper,P.S.,Blume,P.A.,Bulan,B.: Angiosomes of the Foot and Ankle and Clinical Implications for Limb Salvage: Reconstruction, Incisions, and Revascularization. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006 Jun;117(7 Suppl):261S-293S. Review
83) Salonga, C., Blume P.A.: CE: A Guide to Transmetatarsal Amputations in Patients with Diabetes Podiatry Today Vol 19, No. 7, July 2006, pages: 83-90, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
84) Basco,M.T., Sarage,A.,Blume,P.A.,Key,J., Aruny,J., Sumpio,B.A.; Abstract Session: The Southern Association for Vascular Surgery: 31st Annual Meeting: January 17 -- 20:2007: Successful Limb Salvage Utilizing Cryoplasty In the Distal Third of the Tibioperoneal Arteries
85) Blume,P.A.,Sumpio, B., Aruny,J,; Sarage,A., Percutaneous Transluminal Cryoplasty Therapy, Vascular Disease Management: Volume 3/Supplement A, September/October 2006, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
86) Wilkinson,J. Palladino,M., Blume,P.A.; Patients with Diabetes Often Experience Cutaneous Manifestations of the Disease. The Diagnosis and Treatment for Conditions Such As Necrobiosis Lipoidica, Granuloma Annulare, And Bullous Diabeticorum. Podiatry Today Vol 19, No. 12, December 2006, pages: 61 -- 68, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
87) Understanding the Impact of MRSA on Limb Preservation Loan Lam DPM, Peter Blume DPM FACFAS, Michael Palladino DPM FACFAS - Podiatry Today volume 20, No. 7, July 2007, pages 75 -- 82 HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
88) Lower Extremity Arthritis: What You Should Know About Hallux Limitus Loan Lam DPM, Peter Blume DPM FACFAS, Michael Palladino DPM FACFAS Arthritis Practitioner May 2007, Volume 3, Issue 3: 36-38
89) Poster Presentation, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, March 2007, Orlando, Florida,Predictors for the Healing of Transmetsatarsal Amputations: A Retrospective Study of 91 Amputations, Peter Blume, DPM, Christine Salonga, Juan Garbalosa, Daphne Pierre-Paul, MD (1), Jonathan Key, DPM , Vivian Gahtan, MD, Bauer Sumpio, MD, Yale University Hospital, New Haven, CT Department of Vascular Surgery and Orthopedics
90) Textbook Chapter: “Aggressive revascularization salvage options for patients referred for leg amputation by using atherectomy and cryoaangioplasty technology” Anthony L. Sarage D.P.M., Waiki Yui M.D., Peter A. Blume D.P.M., John Aruny M.D., Bauer Sumpio M.D.: PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES, 2007
91) How to Perform a Thorough Vascular Exam Daniel T. Halloran DPM, Peter A. Blume DPM, Michael G. Palladino DPM , Bauer E. Sumpio MD Podiatry Today volume 20, No. 7, May 2007, pages 75 -- 82 HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
92) Wen,H, Blume,P, Sumpio,B., Cyclic Strain Induces Redistribution of Integrins Alpha3 Beta1 And the Tyrosine Phosphorylation Of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) In Dermal FibroblastsPlast Reconstr Surg. 2007 July;120(1 Suppl):89: Presented at the Plastic Surgery Research Council 52nd Annual Meeting Abstract Supplement
93) Blume P, Salonga C, Garbalosa J, Pierre-Paul D, Key J, Gahtan V, Sumpio BE. Predictors for the healing of transmetatarsal amputations: retrospective study of 91 amputations. Vascular. 2007 Jun-Jul;15(3):126-33.
94) Payne,W,Blume,P.A., Tallis,A.J., Interim Results of a Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial Of Time Course and Wound Healing in Subjects with Diabetic Foot Ulcers When Treated with Vacuum Assisted Closure Versus Moist Wound Therapy: Poster Presentation at the American Podiatric Medical Association: 8/07
95) Kengo Nishimura; Peter Blume ; Shigetsugu Ohgi; Bauer E. Sumpio; Effect of Different Frequencies on Tensile Strain on Human Dermal Fibroblast Proliferation and Survival: Wound Rep Reg.; (2007) 15 1-11
96) Blume, Peter A., Results of A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Negative Pressure Wound Therapy* in the Treatment and Blinded Evaluation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer: North American Center for Limb Preservation, Abstract submitted to SAWC, San Diego, CA from April 24-27,2008
97) Peter A. Blume, Jodi Walters, Wyatt Payne, José Ayala, John Lantis: Comparison of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Utilizing Vacuum-Assisted Closure to Advanced Moist Wound Therapy In the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers -- A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial: Diabetes Care: Published online on December 27, 2007
98) Bauer E. Sumpio, Peter A. Blume: It Takes a Village to Save Feet: The Multidisciplinary Approach to Limb Salvage: Review of Endocrinology: October 2007
99) Textbook Chapter: “Aggressive revascularization salvage options for patients referred for leg amputation by using atherectomy and cryoaangioplasty technology” Anthony L. Sarage D.P.M., Waiki Yui M.D., Peter A. Blume D.P.M., John Aruny M.D., Bauer Sumpio M.D.: Reinterventions in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Paschalidis Medical Publications, Athens, Greece, 2008, by Geroulakos and Reddy, page 75 -- 85
100) Blume, P. A, Posterior Presentation : Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, San Diego, California, April 24 -- 27th, 2008, Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial: Vacuum Assisted Closure in the Treatment and Evaluation of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
101) A Guide to Current Emerging Antibiotics for MRSA: Eliza Addis-Thomas, Peter A. Blume DPM, Podiatry Today volume 21, No. 7, July 2008, pages 64-70 HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
102) Lower Extremity Wounds Respond to Negative Pressure: Wound Care: David H. Simon, DPM, Jonathan J. Key, DPM, Peter A. Blume, D.PM: Biomechanics: Volume XV, Number 8 / August 2008: Pages 53 -- 59: CMP Medica: United Business Media 600 Harrison St, 64, San Francisco, California, 94107
103) Kengo Nishimura; Peter Blume ; Shigetsugu Ohgi; Bauer E. Sumpio; The Effect of Different Frequencies of Stretch on Human Dermal Keratinocyte Proliferation and Survival: Journal of surgical research: 1-7: 2008: 10.1016
104) Maria Teresa Basco, Anthony Sarage, Peter Blume, Jonathan Key, John Aruny, Bauer Sumpio: Extending the Limits of Limb Salvage Using Endovascular Techniques: Abstract presentation: 6/8/08: Society for Vascular Surgery: San Francisco, California
105) Eliza Addis-Thomas, Peter A. Blume DPM, Empiric Antibiotics: A Guide to Appropriate Use: Podiatry Today volume 22, No. 1, January 2009, pages 38 -- 42 HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
106) Peter A. Blume, Phillip Basile, Michelle L. Butterworth: Surgical Techniques e-Learning: Diabetic Surgery: American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons: Surgical Techniques on DVD: March 2009
107) Shaun Hafner, Nancy Han, John Aruny, Jonathan Key, Jeff Indes, Bart Muhs, Bauer Sumpio, Peter Blume : What You Should Know about Emerging Techniques and Revascularization: Podiatry Today volume 22, No. 3, March 2009, pages 64 -- 72 HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
108) Ronald Belczyk, John Stapleton, Peter A. Blume, Thomas Zgonis, Plantar Foot Donor Site As a Harvest of a Split Thickness Skin Graft: Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Vol 26 No. 3, July 2009, 493 -- 497;W.B. Saunders Company
109) Nishimura,Kengo., Blume, Peter, Ohgi, Shigetsugu M.D., Sumpio, Bauer E.,The Effect of Different Frequencies of Stretch on Human Dermal Keratinocyte Proliferation and Survival : Journal of Surgical Research 155, 125–131 (2009)
110) Wen H, Blume PA, Sumpio BE. Role of integrins and focal adhesion kinase in the orientation of dermal fibroblasts exposed to cyclic strain. Int Wound J 2009; 6:149–158
111) Schroeder SM, Blume P. Foot Infections in the Orthopedic Surgery Text, . eMedicine from WebMD. Updated September 04, 2009.
112) Blume, Peter. A. Korves, Ashleigh, Perez, Sonya, Poster Presentation: Non-Hodgkin's Diffuse Large B.-Cell Lymphoma Involving the Calcaneus: A Case Report: American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons: February 24, 2010
113) Blume, Peter, A., Catoire, Shirley, Sumpio, Bauer: Poster Presentation: A Rare Case of Lymphatic Malformation of the Foot: A Case Report: American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons: February 24, 2010
114) Vadivelu N, Gesquire M, Mitra S, Shelley K, Kodumudi G, Xia Y, Blume P.J Foot Ankle Surg. 2010 Mar-Apr;49(2):152-4. Epub 2010 Feb 4.Safety of Local Anesthesia Combined with Monitored Intravenous Sedation For American Society of Anesthesiologists 3 and 4 Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Preservation Procedures
115) Catoire,S.M., Blume,P.A.,Sumpio,B.E., When Is Amputation the Salvage Procedure?, Podiatry Today: Volume 23, March 3, 2010, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
116) Schroeder SM, O'Hara R, Blume P, Sella E. Fifth-Toe Deformities. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated September 17, 2010. Available At:
117) Blume PA, Key JJ, Thakor P, Thakor S, Sumpio B., Retrospective Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes in Subjects with Split-Thickness Skin Graft: Comparing V.A.C. Therapy and Conventional Therapy in Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgeries. Int Wound J. 2010 Dec;7(6):480-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-481X.2010.00728.x. Epub 2010 Sep 6.
118) Carelock, B, Blume, P, A., : Point -Counterpoint: Triple Arthrodesis: It Is the Standard of Care for Hindfoot Reconstructions: Podiatry Today: Volume 24: #1, January 2011, 62-65 : HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
119) Blume P, Driver VR, Tallis AJ, Kirsner RS, Kroeker R, Payne WG, Wali S, Marston W, Dove C, Engler RL, Chandler LA, Sosnowski BK., Formulated Collagen Gel Accelerates Healing Rate Immediately after Application in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathic Foot Ulcers., : Wound Repair Regen. 2011 Mar 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2011.00669 120) Sumpio, B, Thakor,P, Mahler,D, Blume,P,: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy As Postoperative Dressing in Below-Knee Amputation Stump Closure of Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Wounds: Volume 23, #10, October 2011, 301-309
121) Landsman A, Blume PA, Jordan DA Jr, Vayser D, Gutierrez A. An Open-label, Three-arm Pilot Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Topical Microcyn Rx Wound Care versus Oral Levofloxacin versus Combined Therapy for Mild Diabetic Foot Infections. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2011 Nov;101(6):484-96.
122) Blume,Peter,A., Increased Graft Survival in Foot and Ankle Surgery Aided by a Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Orthopedics Today: News and Perspective in Musculoskeletal Health and Disease, Published by Slack Inc. New Jersey, Volume 31, #11, November, 2011, Page 60
123) Basco MT, Schlösser FJ, Muhs BE, Indes JE, Blume PA, Key JJ, Aruny JE, Sumpio BE., Lower Extremity Limb Salvage with Cryoplasty: A Single-Center Cohort Study. Vascular. 2012 Feb;20(1):36-41.
124) Dux, K., Edgar, S., Blume, P., A Guide to the Triple Arthrodesis for Hindfoot Deformities, Podiatry Today: Volume 25: #10, October 2012, 42–48: HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
125) Nalini Vadivelu, MD1, Alice Kai BA1 , Gopal Kodumudi2, Feng Dai, PhD1,Susan Dabu-Bondoc, MD1 and Peter Blume, DPM3 ,ELEVATED INTERNATIONAL NORMALIZED RATIO (I.N.R.) AND SURGICAL BLEEDING IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING LIMB SALVAGE , 66 Post Graduate Assembly and Anesthesiology, December 14, 2012, New York, New York, Poster Presentation
126) Attinger C, Hutchinson B, Blume PA, Mariash SA. Soft tissue defects of the foot and ankle. Foot Ankle Spec. 2013 Feb;6(1):59-64. doi: 10.1177/1938640012471496. Epub 2013 Jan 24
127) Blume P, Charlot-Hicks F, Mohammed S. Case Report and Review of Primary Bone Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Involving the Calcaneus. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2013 Apr 26. doi:pii: S1067-2516(13)00114-2. 10.1053/j.jfas.2013.03.013
128.) Gambardella, G.V., Blume, P. A.: Understanding the Biomechanics of the Transmetatarsal Amputation: Podiatry Today: March 2013, volume 26, No. 3, page 46–54, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
129.) Blume, P. A., A Guide to Using Bilobed Flaps in Lower Extremity Surgery: Podiatry Today: May, 2013, volume 26, No. 5, page 58–62 , HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
130.) Gambardella, G. V., Blume, P. A. Diabetic Limb Salvage: Surgeon’s Perspective: Lower Extremity Review: August 2013, 292 Washington Avenue, EXT Suite 105, Albany, NY 12203
131.) Donegan R, Sumpio B , Blume PA. Charcot Foot and Ankle with Osteomyelitis: Diabetic Foot Ankle , 2013, October 1: 4. Review
132.) Shalaby S Y, Blume P, Sumpio B E, : New Modalities in the Chronic Ischemic Diabetic Foot Management:Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2014 January: 31(1): 27–42
133.) Blume PA, Donegan R, Schmidt BM: The Role of Plastic Surgery for Soft Tissue Coverage of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle: Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2014 January: 31(1): 1 27–50
134.) Blume PA, Sumpio B, Schmidt B, Donegan R, Charcot Neuroarthropathy of the Foot and Ankle: Diagnosis and Management Strategies. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2014 January: 31(1): 1 51–72
135.) Chitragari G, Mahler DB, Sumpio BJ, Blume PA, Sumpio B: Prostatic Options Available for the Diabetic Lower Limb Amputee: Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2014 January: 31(1): 1 73–85
136.) Blume PA.: Medical and Surgical Management of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle: Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2014 January: 31(1)
137.) Driver, V.R., Blume, PA, Evaluation of Wound Care and Health-Care Use Cost in Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcers Treated with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Versus Advanced Moist Wound Therapy:JAPMA: Volume 104, number 2, March/April 2014
138.) Blume, PA., Bowlby, M, Schmidt B. M. ,Donegan,R.; Safety and Efficacy of the Becaplermin Gel In the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Chronic Wound Management and Research: Volume 1: Dove Press: July 2014: Pages 11–14
139.) Bowlby ,M., Blume, P. A., Can Ultrasound Debridement Facilitate Biofilm Removal from Diabetic Foot Ulcers,. Diabetes Watch: Podiatry Today: August 2014, Volume 27, No. 8, page 20-24 , HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
140.) Donegan, R., J., Schmidt, BE., M., Blume, P.A. , An Overview of Factors Maximizing Successful Split Thickness Skin Grafting in Diabetic Wounds: Diabetic Foot and Ankle: October, 2014, 5:24769,
141.) Donegan, R, J., Blume, P., A.: Current Concepts in Pantalar Arthrodesis: Podiatry Today: January 2015, Volume 28, No. 1, page 40–47, HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355 142.) Vadivelu N, Kai AM, Maslin B, Kodumudi V, Antony S, Blume P.Role of Regional Anesthesia in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Foot Ankle Spec. 2015 Feb 5.
143.) Bruno,A. ,Schmidt, B. , Blume,P.A.: Ultrasonic Debridement for Wounds: Where Are We Now:: Podiatry Today: July 2015, volume 28, No. 7, page 62–66: HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
144.) Gazes,M.I., Morra,A.R. Blume,P.A.: Assessing Collagen Based Modalities for Diabetic Foot Ulcerations : Podiatry Today: May 2016, Volume 29, No. 5, page 50-56: HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
145.) Blume,P.A., Schmidt,B.M., Wu, S.C. Foot and Ankle Quarterly: Guest Editor: The seminar Journal: Limb preservation: Volume 27, No. 3, Fall 2016, 115-175: Data Trace, P.O. Box 1239: Brooklandville: MD.
146.) Donegan, R. J., Mena, Carlos, Sumpio, BE. , Aruny, J. E., Pressman, M. M., Caminear, D.S., Schmidt, B. M., Blume, PA. , A primary on reperfusion considerations in lower extremity limb salvage: Feature article: Foot and ankle quarterly, fall 2016, volume 27, No. 3, 1:15–125
147.) Donegan, R, Blume, PA.: Functional results and patient satisfaction of first metatarsal phalangeal joint arthrodesis using dual crossed screw fixation. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017 Mar - Apr;56(2):291-297.
148.) Blume, P.A.,Ciaramello, Brittney, Kaufman, Michelle, Reynolds, Shane,: Antibiotics for managing diabetic foot infections, : Podiatry Today: August 2017, Volume 30 No. 8, page 36-41: HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
149.) Blume P1, Wu S , Wounds. 2018 Feb;30(2):29-35. 2017 Oct 20.Updating the Diabetic Foot Treatment Algorithm: Recommendations on Treatment Using Advanced Medicine and Therapies.
150.) Emerging Concepts and Surgical Management of the Charcot Foot and Ankle: When Patients Have Charcot Osteoarthropathy and Osteomyelitis page 4–7 : Supplement to March 2018 Podiatry Today: : HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
151.) Erben Y, Miller SM, Sumpio BJ, Dillon BJ, Lee AI, Blume P, Sumpio BE, Mena-Hurtado C. < Acute Limb Ischemia in an 8-year-old Patient: Case Report. Ann Vasc Surg. 2018 Apr 12
152.) Donegan R, Blume PA.Thirteen-Year Follow-Up Reverse Sural Artery Flap for Plantar Calcaneal Wound: A Case Report.J Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 Apr 6
153.) Vadivelu N, Kai AM, Dai F, Mikhael H, Aouad R, Blume P, Elevated International Normalized Ratio Is Not Associated With Increased Perioperative Morbidity in Podiatric Limb Salvage Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 May 8.
154.) Sedberry SD, Bondi EL, Gazes MI, Blume P., A Case of Vascular Leiomyoma Causing Osseous Malformations in the Foot. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 Jun 11
155.) Dhatt,N.K., Jariwala,T,B., Blume,P.A., Plastic Techniques for Wound Coverage: Do You Need To Pull The trigger? Page 34-40: , August 2018 Podiatry Today: 31, No. 8, : HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
156.) Constant, D., Betesh, S. Caminear, D., Delott, J., Blume, P. A., Emerging Advances in Lateral Ankle Stabilization, Page 44-47: , August 2018 Podiatry Today: 31, No. 9, : HMP Communications , 83 General Warren Boulevard, Suite 100, Malvern, PA, 19355
157.) Kai,AM,Vadivelu,N.Dai,F.Dabu-Bondoc,S.Mikhael,H,Blume,P.A., Safety of Deep Sedation in Patients Undergoing Full Thickness Skin Graft Harvesting and Skin Graft Reconstruction for Limb Salvage: J Am Podiatr Med Assoc: 2018, November: 108(6) 487–493
Amersham Health Care, Medi-Physics, Nycomed, Inc. Arlington Heights, IL. 60003
Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Infectious Diseases Visiting Faculty Program 1 Franklin Plaza, P.O. Box 7929, Philadelphia, PA 19101
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation,National Speakers Bureau 59 Route 10 East Hanover,NJ 07936-1080
Johnson & Johnson, Ortho-McNNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc., National Speakers Bureau,Clinical Trials,Phase Iv Becaplermin,Regranex;1000 Route 202 PO Box 300, Raritan, NJ 08869-0602
CMIC Podiatric Advisory Committee,A mutual professional liability insurance company, support underwriting, risk management, and claims issues.Fall 2000-present, Connecticut Medical Insurance Company,P.O. Box 71, Glastonbury, CT 06033
Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery,Manuscript Reviewer 1999-Present, Determine the Suitability of Manuscripts for Publication within the Journal
Pharmacia Corporation:100 Route 206 North Peapack,NJ 07977; national speakers bureau for Linezolid, Zyvox
North American Foundation for Limb Preservation,Executive Board Member, Board of Directors.
Merck & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 4, West Point, Pennsylvania, 19486, National Speakers Bureau, Management of Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections.
Smith and Nephew Orthopedics: Ilizarov External Fixation: Memphis, Tennessee
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons; Annual Meeting Exhibits Subcommittee, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2003.
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Manuscript Reviewer, 1999 to Present, Determine the Suitability of Manuscripts for Publication For Journal Publication
4UDr.Com; Medical Advisor; 15 Lewis Street, Suite 400, Hartford, Connecticut 06103
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265
Health Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc., 205 Church St, third floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Cubist:, 65 Hayden Avenue, Lexington, MA 02421: National Speakers Bureau : Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections
BioMimetic Therapeutics, Inc.: Regenerative Orthobiologics: 389 Nichol Mill Lane, Franklin, TN 37067, USA
Advanced BioHealing: A Shire Company: Living Cell Therapies: Regenerative Medicine: 11095 Torreyana Road, San Diego, CA 92121
Integra Life Sciences: 311 Enterprise Dr., Plainboro, New Jersey, 08536
Vilex Corporation: 111 Moffitt St., McMinnville, TN 37110
Misonix Corporation: Farmingdale, New York
Orthofix, Verona Italy, External Fixation, Trauma and Charcot Reconstruction
Cartiva: Alpharetta, Georgia
Gramercy Extremity Orthopedics
Clinical Trials
Pharmacia Corporation:100 Route 206 North Peapack,NJ 07977,Linezolid vs Aminopenicillins for Diabetic Foot Infections; Phase IV Clinical Trial for Linezolid,Zyvox,76-inf-0026-113
Human Genome Sciences, 9410 Key West Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850Clinical Protocol KGF-2-WHO4,A Randomized,DoubleBlinded,Parallel-Group,Placebo-Controlled,Milutcenter study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Repifermin KGF-2 in Subjects with Venous Ulcers
Pharmacia Corporation;100 Route 206 North Peapack, NJ 07977,Healing of Ischemic Foot Ulcers With Cilostazol Trial,Multicenter,Randomized,Doubleblind,placebo controlled trial to Test whether cilostazol will improve wound healing in combination with standard local compared to wound care alone.
Vasamedics Corporation,2958 YorktonBlvd.St. Paul,MN 55117-1064,Comparison of Skin Perfusion Pressure, Transcutaneous Oxygen Pressure, and ABI,Determine whether SPP measurements may be better than tcPO2 and ABI for evaluation of lower limb ischemia in patients with chronic wounds
Emisphere Technologies,Inc. 765 Old Saw Mill River Road, Tarrytown,NY 10591,Protocol No. 325A-C-004,Multi-center, Open Label,Pilot Evaluation of the Tolerability, Efficacy and Safety of Oral Heparin/SNAC Solution.
Pfizer , Inc. Global Research and Development, 50 Pequot Ave. New London, CT 06320, Zoniporide Protocol A3181007,A Double Blind ,Placebo Controlled, Parallel Group Study of the Effects of Zoniporide on Perioperative Cardiac Events in High Risk Subjects Undergoing Noncardiac Vascular Surgery.
Johnson and Johnson; Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Corp.;1000 Route 202 PO Box 300, Raritan ,NJ 08869-0602, Double Blind Pilot Study to Evaluate Prewounding Prior to Split Thickness Skin Grafting using Becaplermin Gel, Versus Placebo Gel, and Standard Wound Care with Saline Wet to Dry Dressings.
AstraZeneca, Mereside,Alderley,Macclesfield, Cheshire,SK104TG, United Kingdom, A Multicenter Randomized, Double-blind, Comparative Trial of IntravenousMerrem(meropenem,ICI 194,660) versus Primaxin I.V.(imipenem and cilastatin) In the Treatment of Hospitalized Subjects with Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections. Trial No. 3591IL/0079.
Pharmacia Corporation;100 Route 206 North Peapack, NJ 07977,Linezolid Versus Vancomycin for the Treatment of Complicated Skin And Soft Tissue Infections Suspected Of Being Or Proven to Be Methicillin-resistant Gram-positive Bacterial Pathogens. Protocol No. 766 -INF - 0026-128.
Pharmacia Corporation;100 Route 206 North Peapack, NJ 07977, Protocol No.VALA-0513-144, clinical protocol for a multidose randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the analgesic efficacy and safety of Valdecoxib compared to placebo in patients for treatment of post surgical pain from bunionectomy surgery.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, 59 Route 10 East Hanover,NJ 07936-1080; Protocol;CSFO327KUS14, a randomized, open label, multicenter trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of 12 weeks of Oral Terbinafine(250-mgq.d.) With and without nail debridement in the treatment of onychomycosis.
Encelle, Inc. 3000 Highwoods Boulevard, Suite 111, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, Protocol, DFU-002, A Controlled, Randomized Pilot Study To Assess E-Matrix For the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 -- 9508, Protocol VAC2001-08, A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Trial Of Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy in the Treatment And Blinded Evaluation of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. 7/03
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 -- 9508, Protocol VAC 2001 -- 03, A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Trial Of Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy With Split Thickness Skin Grafting in the Treatment and Blinded Evaluation of Venous Stasis Ulcers. 10/03
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 -- 9508, Protocol VAC 2001 -- 07, A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Trial of Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy In the Treatment And Blinded Evaluation of Amputation Wounds of the Diabetic Foot. 10/03
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Corp. Linezolid in the Treatment of Subjects with Complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Proven to Be Due to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Protocol No. A 5951002, 10/04
KCI Global R&D, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 -- 9508, Effects of Mechanical Forces on Culture Dermal Cells, 9/04
CryoVascular Systems, Inc., 160 Knowles Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032; a Nonrandomized, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Performance of the PolarCath,tm Peripheral Dilatation System for the Dilation of Stenotic Lesions in Infrapopliteal Arteries (I.e., below the Knee) When Treating the Whole Leg., 10/04
CryoVascular Systems, Inc., 160 Knowles Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032; Regulation of Vascular Cell Proliferation and Survival by Hypothermic Exposure Followed by Rewarming, 1/05
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 -- 9508, Protocol VAC 2005-100; A Randomized Trial to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of the V.A.C. System to Closed Suction Wound Drainage in the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers, 1/05
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 -- 9508, Protocol VAC 2006-009: Determination of Appropriate Wound Fluid Collection and Analysis Methods, 7/06
Genentech Inc., 1 DNA Way, Mail Stop 59B, South San Francisco, California, 94080, A Phase II, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo -- Controlled Study to Assess the Effect of Topical Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (telbermin) For Induction of Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers, VGF3554g , 8/06
Effects Of Angioplasty and Ex -Vivo Human Arteries: Morphological Changes in Arteries Subjected to Angioplasty: 10/06
CryoVascular Systems, Inc. Los Gatos, CA, Protocol #CVSi907/01:A randomized, multi-center study to evaluate the performance of the PolarCath™ Peripheral Dilatation System for the dilation of stenotic lesions in infrapopliteal arteries when treating the whole leg. 12/06
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group. New York, New York, Protocol #A5951002 Linezolid in the treatment of subjects with complicated skin and soft tissue infections proven to be due a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. A Phase IV clinical trial comparing clinical and bacterial efficacy and safety and tolerability of two treatment groups, linezolid vs. vancomycin. 6/07
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Collegeville, Pennsylvania, Protocol #3074A1-900 – A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Tigecycline with that of Ampicillin-Sulbactam or Amoxicillin-Clavulanate to Treat Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections: 6/07
King Pharmaceuticals: A Multicenter, Double Blind, Randomized, Parallel, Vehicle and Standard Care Controlled Study Assessing the Safety, Systemic Disposition, and Efficacy of MRE0094P Gel When Applied Topically for 90 Days to Subjects with Diabetic, Neuopathic, Foot Ulcers. Protocol number MRE0094P201, MRE0094P202. 9/07
Oculus Innovative Sciences: an Open Label, Three Arm, Pilot Study of the Safety and Clinical Efficacy of Topical Dermacyn Wound Care Versus Oral Levofloxacin Versus Combined Therapy for Mild Diabetic Foot Infections, Protocol number OIS-005. 10/07
Tissue Repair Company: 6740 Top Gun Street, San Diego, California 92121: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Single and Double Dose, Comparator Arm (Standard Of Care) , Multicenter Phase 2b Study of TopicalGAM501 (Ad5PDGF-B/bovine Type I Collagen gel) In the Treatment of Nonhealing Diabetic Ulcers of the Lower Extremities:
Pfizer, Inc. 235 E. 42nd ST. MS 685/11/2, New York, NY 10017 Phase 4: A Randomized, Double Blind, Parallel-Group Study of Cardiovascular Safety in Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With or at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Comparing Celocoxib With Naproxen and Ibuprofen. Protocol #: A3191172
Keracure; Inc., a Delaware Corporation with a place of business at 101 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 606, Chicago, IL 60606 rospective, A Randomized, Controlled, Unmasked, Multiple Treatment, Multi-Center Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of an Interactive Wound Dressing containing Cultured Keratinocytes versus Conventional Wound Therapy for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers (IDE #G30153)
VACP 2005-009 A Randomized, Controlled Trial Examining Cellular Energetics and Oxygenation Levels Related to Various Wound Therapies , KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas 78265 – 9508.
SANUWAVE, Inc 11680 Great Oaks Way, Suite 350 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Use of Derma Pace Device(Pulsed Acoustic Cellular Expression) in Conjunction with Standard of Care in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas: Protocol: VACDrsg2008-37 A Single Arm Prospective Clinical Trial Evaluating the Ease of Use of a VAC GranuFoam Bridge Dressing on Diabetic Foot Ulcers Receiving VAC Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas: Protocol:VACP2009-41, " Evaluation of the rate of air leaks during V.A.C. Negative pressure Wound Therapy application prior to removal and immediately after re-application of either V.A.C. Granuform or V.A.C. Simplace dressings."
KCI, Inc. P.O. Box 659508, San Antonio , Texas, VACP2007-24 Human Tissue Repository
Advanced BioHealing, Inc., 10933 North Torrey Pines Road, Suite 200, La Jolla, CA, 92037-1005, Protocol ABH-DERMAGRAFT-001-08, A Prospective, Multi-center, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Investigation of Dermagraft in Subjects with Venous Leg Ulcers DEVO-Trial
HealOr, Ltd., 3 Prof. Chaim Pekeris str. Rehovot 76702 Israel, Protocol HO-09-01 Safety and Efficacy of HO/03/03 10μg in the Treatment of Plantar Neuropathic Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Skingenix, Inc. 301 West Huntington Drive, Suite 305, Arcadia, CA 91007 USA, Protocol MEBO-DFU-PILOTII-001 A Phase II, Randomized, Controlled, Two-Center Pilot Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Topically Applied MEBO® Wound Ointment Compared to Standard of Care in Subjects with Diabetic Foot Ulcers
The BEST-CLI trial: a multidisciplinary effort to assess which therapy is best for patients with critical limb ischemia
Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons
506 - 508 Blake Street, New Haven, CT 06515
Yale School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Section of Podiatric Surgery
Yale School Of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, New Haven, Connecticut
Endoscopic & Arthroscopic Foot Surgery
Laser Foot Surgery
Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the Foot
Ossatron, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Mini-Fellowship in Transosseous Osteosynthesis In Management Of Injuries in Diseases of Tibia And Foot Conducted at the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center, Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan(Siberia), Russia, 10/3/03 -- 10/12/03
Good Clinical Practices and Investigator Training Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, The Freeman Group, Orlando Florida
Orthofix Course on Foot and Ankle; Workshop for Internal and/or External Fixation, Bussolengo,Verona, Italy , 11/14/04-11/16/04
Mini -- Fellowship: Ilizarov Technique in Lower Extremity Deformity Correction and Trauma; 12th International Course: Thriassio-Latsio Hospitals, Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Pathology Departments, National Health System -- Third Periphery. Athens, Greece; April 4 -- 7, 2005
STAR/SBI: Scandinavian total ankle replacement: Course completion: 12/09
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